Segment 1
00:00:00 Logo
00:00:12 Tishomingo Blues
00:00:57 GK VO Open
00:02:06 Open script
00:03:45 Etymology script
00:04:43 GK intros students from Vermont, discusses Thanksgiving dinner, gratitude, growing up in a big family
00:08:26 Now Thank We All Our God-GK, Heather Masse, Richard Dworsky and band
00:12:06 Bob script
00:19:29 GK intros Craver, Hicks, Watson, & Newberry
00:21:29 Daniel- GK, Craver, Hicks, Watson, & Newberry
00:25:08 School House on the Hill - GK, Craver, Hicks, Watson, & Newberry
00:28:34 Powdermilk Biscuit Break
Segment 2
00:30:13 GK intros poet Dick Allen
00:32:18 If You Visit Our Country-Dick Allen
00:37:09 Sleepy Old Towns-Dick Allen
00:39:36 Guy Noir Script
00:51:34 Merchant's Lunch- Craver, Hicks, Watson, & Newberry with Richard Dworsky, Larry Kohut, and Johnathan Dresel
00:55:55 Piney Mountains
00:58:36 Where No One Stands Alone-GK, Heather Masse, Joe Newberry, Richard Dworsky and band
01:02:35 Intermission-I'm Looking Through You; Richard Dworsky and band
Segment 3
01:07:16 Greetings
01:09:35 GK discusses Waterbury
01:13:36 When I Dream- GK, Heather Masse, Richard Dworsky and band
01:16:17 POEM script (2/20/16)
01:19:26 That's the Song of a Man Riding on a Train- GK, Heather Masse, Joe Newberry, Richard Dworsky and band
01:22:06 Mel script
01:23:12 Hobo's Last Letter- Craver, Hicks, Watson, & Newberry
Segment 4
01:27:19 News from Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
01:41:21 Driftless-Heather Masse, Richard Dworsky and band
01:44:00 Coffee script
01:46:32 Cities of the Fifties-Dick Allen
01:50:25 Ode to Joy- GK, Heather Masse, Richard Dworsky and band
01:52:22 Hair script-GK and Fred Newman with Richard Dworsky
01:54:07 Credits
01:56:01 Doxology- GK and audience, Richard Dworsky
01:56:58 Texas Gals-Craver, Hicks, Watson, Newberry, Richard Kriehn, Richard Dworsky and band