Segment 1
00:00:00 APM Logo
00:00:13 Tishomingo Blues
00:00:57 GK Studio Open (VO)
00:02:08 GK Open - New York City SFX Script (4/23/05)
00:07:48 Nobody Knows You - Garrison and GAS Band
00:11:59 Catchup Script
00:15:26 GK intros Fiddlers 4
00:16:12 I Know - Fiddlers 4
00:20:46 Mazurka - Fiddlers 4
00:25:34 Billy Collins reads "Love", "More Than A Woman", and "Sonnet"
00:34:25 Powdermilk Biscuit Break - GAS Band
Segment 2
00:35:52 Lives of the Cowboys Script (4/23/05)
00:45:57 GK talks with Kate Rusby
00:47:56 Cobbler's Daughter - Kate Rusby
00:53:08 Botany Bay - Kate Rusby
00:58:21 Intermission - The World is Waiting For The Sunrise - GAS Band
Segment 3
01:02:36 Greetings
01:06:16 Peninsula Clothing Script (4/27/02)
01:07:17 NYC Apartment Script
01:10:31 GK talks to U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins
01:12:23 Billy Collins reads "Dharma", "Litany", and "Forgetfulness"
01:18:27 Garrison talks to John and Kate
01:20:13 I Courted A Sailor - Kate Rusby
Segment 4
01:24:58 The News from Lake Wobegon / While We're Young (GK, GAS Band)
Segment 5
01:38:07 Southern Hospitality - Richard Dworsky
01:40:58 New York Script
01:46:46 You Don't Know My Mind - Pat Donohue, GAS Band
01:50:42 Smoker Script
01:52:38 I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free - Fiddlers 4
01:56:47 Credits
01:57:23 Flowers of Edinburgh Closer