Segment 1
00:00:00 Logo
00:00:15 Tishomingo Blues
00:00:59 GK Open VO
00:02:20 GK opens, talks about progress in New York, speed limit has been decreased, more recycling, city life
00:05:09 Bienvenidos- Richard Dworsky and the 43rd Street Regulars
00:07:33 GK salutes city of Buffalo
00:08:04 Buffalo (Camelot)- GK with Richard Dworsky and band
00:10:07 SFX script
00:17:04 GK introduces Kate Beahen
00:18:36 You've Got That Thing/ You're the Top/ Friendship
00:25:42 Powdermilk Biscuit Break
Segment 2
00:27:16 Mom Script (9/15/12)
00:34:02 You've Said Enough- Kat Edmonson with Richard Dworsky and the 43rd Street Regulars
00:37:00 GK talks with Kat Edmonson
00:38:44 Oh My Love- Kat Edmonson with Richard Dworsky and the 43rd Street Regulars
00:41:58 Tired Old World- GK with Richard Dworsky and the 43rd Street Regulars
00:46:32 Guy Noir script (with Kat Edmonson and Kate Beahen)
01:04:32 Old Fashioned Love- Butch Thompson with band
01:07:43 Intermission- Stumblin'
Segment 3
01:11:40 GK Welcome back VO
01:11:50 Bertha's Kitty Boutique Script (10/13/12)
01:13:47 GK talks about Nov. 22, 1963
01:14:04 JFK- GK and band
01:16:56 You're the Cream in My Coffee- GK and Kate Beahen with band
01:19:04 Overheard script
01:25:25 GK talks with Kat Edmonson
01:26:31 Dark Cloud- Kat Edmonson with Richard Dworsky and the 43rd Street Regulars
01:30:02 All The Way- Kat Edmonson with Richard Dworsky and the 43rd Street Regulars
Segment 4
01:32:59 The News from Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
01:44:47 Lonesome Reverie- Butch Thompson, piano
01:48:33 GK talks to Butch Thompson about James P. Johnson
01:49:25 Hungry Blues- Butch Thompson, piano with Jon-Erik Kellso and Vince Giordano
01:51:24 More James P. Johnson talk
01:51:42 Fritz script
01:53:26 Credits
01:55:10 Blessing
01:56:12 Charleston