GK: ....back right after this political message.
TR (TRUMP): I have been told by some very smart people that spiders are taking over this country, huge hairy spiders, and older women are eating them -----because spiders are climbing up water spouts and people say, Well, its itsy-bitsy and the rain will wash the spiders out, but they keep climbing back up ---- I've got people looking into this and they cannot believe what they're finding out about the danger of spiders. The administration has admitted to this country 200,000 spiders from Syria that carry deadly poisons. Can you believe that? More spiders than ever before.
We've got millions of deer ticks, millions of snakes, more snakes than ever before, but these spiders----- they come up from Mexico ----- you going to wait until a spider sits down beside you. Yes, they pollinate plants and eat flies. Please. Get outta here. American bugs can do the job.
I'm Donald J. Trump and I am going to make America safe again and wipe out spiders.
GK: The preceding political message was brought to you by the Trump for President Committee......
TR (TRUMP): That was not a political message. That was the truth. I am not a politician.
GK: Your time is up.
TR (TRUMP): My time is not up. My time has just begun.
GK: Back off, sir. Sit down.
TR (TRUMP): I will not sit down. You cannot silence me. Millions of people have voted for me-----
GK: You bought a minute and a minute is all you get.
TR (TRUMP): (FADING) I am going to win this thing, just you wait and see. And then you are going to be out of here. Hear me? You're out of here. (DOOR SLAM)