CT: We'll be right back after a word from Wise Guys Removers.
TR: (MOB) So you live in a nice neighborhood, you worked hard for this, and unfortunately you live next door to a Christmas freak with a carnival in his front yard. He's got flashing reindeer and zipper lights and icicle lights and the disrespect is starting to get to you. It's February, for crying out loud. You've had it up to here with the Ho-ho-ho. You shouldn't have to deal with that. Here at Wise Guys Removal we've been dealing with this for a long time. We come in under cover of darkness and in the morning the offending materials are eliminated. No footprints, nobody the wiser, no questions asked. Whatever you need to have eliminated, we can do it. Loud music, loud cars, Christmas lights ---- you don't want it, it's outta there. Need I say more?
Wise Guys Removal: I'm out of here. (WHOOSH)
CT: Wise Guys Removal. Thank you, gentlemen.