Over there is the Spin Cycle ---- people walk through the Lawn Sprinkler (SFX) and get into that big white cabinet and (SPIN) in about five minutes you are dry.
Next to it is the Balloon Ride ---- you climb into the balloon (SFX) and they tie it shut and inflate it with helium (SFX) and you float away up in the air and when you're over a safe area they fire a BB gun (SFX) and the balloon gently sinks back to earth (SFX, GAS) and you get out with a good dose of helium (FN HIGH FAST SPEECH).
The Slingshot is there ---- you climb into the hammock and they pull back the bungee (SFX) and they fire you high in the air and you pull the ripcord and parachute down into the western suburbs of Minneapolis. You will need another ticket to return to the Fairgrounds.
Turkey racing is over there (SFX, RUNNING BIRDS) and those 100-gallon deep fryers (SFX), they will fry up whole turkeys, lawn chairs, whatever.
And that big pool is where they hold the Underwater talent show : UNDERWATER SINGING: "My Cheri Amour, distant as the Milky Way ..."