I'm so happy that my car started

My car started, started right up

I'm so happy that my car started

And I don't have to wait for the bus

Went outside it was minus 30

Wind blowing, she was buried in snow

Turned the key and she started right up

Glory hallelujah

It's an old car, a hundred thousand miles

Got a dent in the door and the muffler rumbles

But it starts right up and the heater works

And that's all a person can want

My neighbor's car it wouldn't start

Brand new BMW

I went over, said Need some help

I thought he was going to choke

Got out the jumper cables, hooked them up

Started his car, the BMW

He offered me money, I waved it away

That put him in his place

To do a favor for your enemy

That's the Christian way of getting revenge

He looked down on me and I started his car

It was better than a kick in the shins

I'm so happy cause my car starts,

Started right up, forty below,

Heater works and I'm on my way

Down Interstate 94

On the radio, Syria, Egypt

Iran, Afghanistan,

Poisoned water in West Virginia

But my car is running just fine

I'm so happy cause my car starts,

I love my wife, blood pressure's good,

And the Vikings aren't in the Super Bowl

So we don't have to worry about that.