GK: After this message from the Professional Organization

of English Majors.


SS (YOUNG): Yeah.

TR (YOUNG): Howsit going?

SS (YOUNG): Not bad.

TR (YOUNG): Whatcha doing?

SS (YOUNG): Not much.

TR (YOUNG): Me neither.

SS (YOUNG): Same here.

TR (YOUNG): Like your shoes.

SS (YOUNG): Cool.


TR (YOUNG): Anyway-

SS: Right.

GK: If your children have a hard time expressing

themselves, how are they ever going to find good jobs in

the corporate world where so much depends on your ability

to use language?

TR: So----- going forward, I'd like to backtrack for a

minute and say that the take-home here is that we need to

get our game back and hit the ground running and

solutionize this whole problem in regard to skill-sets and do

what we do best.

GK: The corporate world is fast-paced (PHONE RINGS,


doesn't tolerate inarticulate or hesitant people.

SS: Well.....uh......I guess it could

be.....depending......you know. Anyway.

GK: Majoring in English teaches your young person to

speak with confidence about books he or she was too busy

to read.

SS: In Moby Dick, Melville is clearly

destructuralizing the patriarchal hegemonist white

whale of male colonialist privilege and pointing the

way toward the feminized sensibility of Ishmael.

GK: And from that, it's not so far to

SS: So finally, at the end of the day the aggregate bottom

line here when it comes to functionality is that that dog

don't hunt.

TR: We need to peel away the onion and ramp it up and

raise the bar and repurpose the synergy that's going to

move the needle on the paradigm shift.

SS: And incentivize people to broaden our bandwidth.

Does that make sense?

TR: In other words, be proactive.

SS: Precisely.

GK: Thinking on your feet. So important. And English

majors, they can dance and chew gum at the same time. A

message from P.O.E.M.