SS: Dear diary: It's almost November and I'm really feeling good about veterinary medicine and I'm dating this guy Jared, my lab partner, and he sings in glee club and he's very nice but in that glee clubby way ---- you know ---- a little over-enthusiastic like a person would be if you'd sung Swing Low Sweet Chariot just way too many times. We were working on the cadaver of a Holstein when he decided to ask me out. I was like up to my elbow in the cow's colon and he goes, "Do you have a boyfriend? Because if you don't, I'd like to hang out with you." It was an odd time to think about romance. I said, Sure. What else could I say?


SS: Anyway I went to a movie with Jared. It was a comedy about a guy who suffered major trauma when he stood up in the front of the church at his wedding and his friends pulled his pants down, and Jared laughed so hard at the pants-pulling scene that he choked on his popcorn and I almost had to give him mouth to mouth and then I remembered the Heimlich maneuver so I did that and then we went outside for fresh air and he told me that I had saved his life and that he now felt that he belonged to me forever. And I go like, What does that mean? And he goes, I could have died in there, so I'm donating my body to you, and you can study it if you want.. I said I'd give it some thought. (GLEE CLUB)

SS: The next week in the lab course we started a unit on neutering cats, which is not that hard ---- male cats, that is ---- I mean, snip snip, and that's all there is to it ---- but Jared had a really hard time with. He got nauseated. He felt faint. He said he was planning to go into veterinary orthodontics so why should he have to know how to neuter a cat and I said "It's not that hard. And besides it's fun." Well, that was the wrong thing to say, I guess. He gave me this look and walked away and later he texted me that he now saw me in a different way and maybe we need some time apart.


SS: So I didn't see Jared the next week in lab and I texted him and called him and no answer so I went to the glee club concert and there he was in the second row, singing his little heart out. He looked like he was going to explode with glee. He sang, Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, and the walls came a-tumblin' down, and he sang Ave Maria and he sang, On The Banks of the Wabash Far Away and I couldn't help but notice this tall guy standing behind Jared, who was very cool and not at all glee-clubby and he almost never smiled ---- because he's a bass and after the concert I walked right up to him and said, "Hi, I'm Amanda, and I love your singing. Do you like dogs?" And I put my hand on his arm in a sort of meaningful way, and anyway, we went swing dancing that night and he's a terrific conversationalist and not that bad a dancer and ---- may I add ---- an excellent kisser.


SS: So Jared texted me today and said he'd like to talk, and I said, Sorry, I've moved on. He said, Please. I didn't text him back. Today in lab we're doing a prostatectomy on a Great Dane and tonight Damien and I are going to have dinner. At his place. He asked me if I like fish. I said, sure. I was a vegetarian but ---- what the heck. I can do fish. He said it's going to be freeze dried, is that okay? And I said sure. And then he's like do you like Tang? I love Tang. And Ramen noodles? I love Ramen.