GK: October is National Escalator month when we honor the hundreds of escalator repairmen who keep our country's 40,000 escalators in good working condition. And with us today is Don Uphoff, executive managing secretary of the Amalgamated Escalator Maintenance Workers of America, the A.E.M.W.A. The keynote this year during National Escalator Month is escalator safety, isn't that right?

TR: That's right. People get really irritated when they find an escalator closed for maintenance but it's the goal of us in the A.E.M.W.A. to reduce our nation's death toll on escalators by educating the public------.

GK: Death toll???

TR: Every year, some people step on escalators and are never seen again. The escalator grabs hold of them and they get chewed up like meat in a meat grinder.

GK: How many?

TR: That number is classified. Can't tell you. But never step on an elevator that is making a sound like this. (WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP)

GK: Okay. A timely word from Don Uphoff, the executive managing secretary of the Amalgamated Escalator Maintenance Workers of America, the A.E.M.W.A.