Segment 1
00:00:00 Logo
00:00:13 Tishomingo Blues
00:03:16 Long Time No See- Pat Donohue and The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band
00:05:36 Open script, with 'Gotta Travel On'
00:11:15 Sweet Home Rag- Richard Dworsky and band
00:13:15 GK intros The Derailers
00:13:50 Lonely Weekends- The Derailers
00:17:22 Train script
00:25:22 Galileo
00:28:19 Powdermilk Biscuit Break
Segment 2
00:30:00 GK intros Le Vent du Nord
00:31:04 Toujours Amants- Le Vent du Nord
00:34:55 Ecres-Moi- Le Vent du Nord
00:39:40 Guy Noir script
00:51:02 GK talks with The Derailers
00:51:41 I'm Gonna Love Love Love You- The Derailers
00:55:19 I See My Baby- The Derailers
00:59:20 GK talks about tonight's street dance, Intermission- Novacaine
Segment 3
01:04:45 Greetings
01:07:11 I Think of You- GK, Shoes, Brian Hofeldt and Chris Schlotzhauer
01:08:34 The Lives of the Cowboys script
01:16:58 GK talks to Nicolas Boulerice about the hurdy-gurdy
01:18:10 Les Amants du St. Laurent- Le Vent du Nord
01:22:44 Le Coeur en Trois- Le Vent du Nord
Segment 4
01:27:17 The News From Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
01:41:43 Boogie Woogie Dance- Shoe Band
01:43:52 Post Office script
01:47:25 Reptile script
01:50:43 Hey Valerie- The Derailers
01:54:43 Credits, Goodnight Irene