Segment 1
00:00:00 - Logo
00:00:12 - Tishomingo Blues
00:03:29 - GK talks about California
00:05:22 - Santa Barbara- GK/ Shoe Band
00:09:35 - Hollywood script
00:16:00 - GK intros Elvin Bishop
00:16:50 - Keep A Dollar in Your Pocket- Elvin Bishop, Ed Earley and Shoe Band
00:20:53 - Guy Noir script
00:31:00 - Powdermilk Biscuit Break
Segment 2
00:32:51 - Angels Watching Over Me- GK/ Sara Watkins/ band
00:36:15 - GK talks to Sara Watkins
00:37:04 - Late John Garfield Blues- Sara Watkins and Sean Watkins
00:41:46 - River of Jordan- Sara Watkins and Sean Watkins with the Shoe Band
00:45:02 - The Lives of the Cowboys script
00:52:04 - GK talks about Elvin Bishop
00:53:43 - Country Blues- Elvin Bishop and Pat Donohue
00:58:08 - Intermission- June Night
Segment 3
01:02:00 - BBQ- Pat Donohue, GK, Sara Watkins and Shoe Band
01:03:38 - Greetings
01:06:35 - Loving You- GK, Sara Watkins, Shoe band
01:09:40 - GK announces rest of season, Santa Barbara
01:13:27 - Whoop-i-ti-yi-yo- GK and Shoes
01:16:45 - Dermatologist script
01:21:00 - Polly Put the Kettle On- Sara Watkins and Sean Watkins
01:23:29 - Crossover- Sara Watkins, Sean Watkins, Gary Raynor
Segment 4
01:27:20 - News From Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
01:38:44 - Thelonious Boogie- Guy's All-Star Shoe Band
01:41:22 - Fishin' - Elvin Bishop, Ed Earley and Shoe Band
01:46:16 - Rhubarb script
01:50:40 - Gold Watch and Chain- GK and Sara Watkins with Shoes
01:54:00 - Credits, Ridin' Down the Canyon