Washington, Memorial Day ALLELUIA
People from around the U.S. of A. ALLELUIA
From the Capitol and down the Mall
Vermont, Ventura, California, and St. Paul
Songs of the pigeon, grackle, oriole
Yellow ducklings swimming toward the Lincoln Memorial.
At the statue of Lincoln, people, old and young, a fine mixture,
Kids holding up their cell phones to take his picture. ALLELUIA
Coach buses full of tourists in shorts
Waiting to get in to the Supreme Court
Their leader giving them a talk
Like a shepherd with his flock
Tour groups sit down for lunch,
Sandwiches, brownies, and fruit punch
Mama, Papa and their little kid
Wearing T-shirts that say, "Yes we did"
At the Vietnam Memorial, people stand in tears
And leave behind small souvenirs,
Photos in plastic bags in front of the wall
A care bear and a signed beachball
A picture of the 54th medical detachment helicopter unit standing in a landing zone
An LP by Sly and the Family Stone
Here in the capitol of our nation
Blue petunias and white impatiens
Rose bushes the color of Cabernet
At the Capitol on Memorial Day
.And from in front of the Smithsonian comes
The Hallulujah Chorus on steel drums
A soldier with a crew cut and a tan uniform caresses
The hair of his two little girls in matching white dresses
Rising up and down to a musical bell
Riding around on the Carousel.
In Washington, a tourist sees
The Bureau of Engraving and the cherry trees
The Magna Carta, the bunting from Lincoln's funeral train,
Al Capone's prison cell, The Wright Brothers plane,
Dorothy's slippers from "The Wizard of Oz"
Also Congress where they pass the laws.
Tourists wearing reds, and whites and blues
And sensible walking shoes.
Tourists in constant motion,
Smell of dust and suntan lotion.
And when it's late and dusk approaches.
They all get back in their tourist coaches
And all the tourists go away
And all the Washingtonians say: