GK: We're in Milwaukee, the name comes from an Indian word, 'minwaking' or 'ominowakiing'. Which means "On the way to Chicago." (FREEWAY)
The seagulls hang out on the lakeshore and also along the Milwaukee River and near the Milwaukee Art Museum which is designed to look like a gigantic seagull.
(SFX THROUGHOUT) It's an old factory town full of guys who make stuff, it's what they do. A guy decides he wants to put an engine on a bicycle, he works on it in his garage, guys keep coming over to help and to give him advice, they bring beer, some guys come for the beer, pretty soon you have a factory.
Famous for beer, famous for Harleys, both of which create exhaust. (SFX) And Lake Michigan. It's cooler by the lake and usually there are many coolers by the lake.
The ballclub is the Brewers, named for the breweries that are no longer here, but now Milwaukee is the home of financial services companies, so they should be the Milwaukee Brokers.
Used to be more breweries here, as the tongue-twister went:
FN: How many Schlitz can a Schlitz Pabst Blatz if a Schlitz Pabst Pabst Blatz Schlitz?
GK: And then three of them disappeared, which sometimes happens when you drink beer. (SFX)