Segment 1
00:00 Logo
00:13 "Tishomingo Blues"
02:32 GK opens, talks about the beauty of Winona, taking the train, lunar eclipse, Oscars, intros BeauSoleil
04:17 "Bosco Stomp" - BeauSoleil
08:06 Rhubarb script
12:14 "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" , with Kathryn (Hauser) Slusher, WSU class of '96
19:14 "The Wreck of the Prairie Queen" - GK, Pat Donohue, Shoe band
22:42 The Lives of the Cowboys script
32:53 Powdermilk Biscuit Break
Segment 2
34:40 GK intros Simone Perrin
34:54 "Tu So Tu" - Simone Perrin and The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band
37:49 Winona script
41:08 "DaCoda Crossbow" - Shoe Band
42:33 Guy Noir script
52:36 GK intros Marcia Ball
53:17 "Where Do You Go?" - Marcia Ball Band
57:45 "Party Town" - Marcia Ball Band
1:02:18 Intermission - "Dr. Jazz"
Segment 3
1:06:00 Welcome Back, Winona history, greetings
1:10:30 GK talks to Michael Doucet, intros BeauSoleil
1:11:45 "Mardi Gras" - BeauSoleil
1:15:30 "Valse de BeauSoleil" - BeauSoleil
1:20:05 Winona history notes
1:24:40 GK talks to Simone Perrin
1:25:06 "Long Gone Lonesome Blues" - Simone Perrin and Guy's All-Star Shoe Band
1:28:32 GK talks about Watkins, into "The Watkins Man"- Pat Donohue and Shoes
Segment 4
1:30:57 The News from Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
1:45:20 "Peace Love and Barbecue" - Marcia Ball Band
1:49:46 Ketchup script
1:52:08 GK thanks the folks at WSU, credits
1:53:50 "It's You I Love"/ "Iko Iko closer" - Marcia Ball, BeauSoleil, Shoe Band