Segment 1
00:00:00 Logo
00:00:13 Tishomingo - Shoes with Eugene Jablonski and Richard Kriehn
00:02:40 GK opens, talks about Pullman
00:04:45 Lentil Script
00:07:58 GK intros and talks to Wylie Gustafson
00:09:00 "Yodelin' Cowhand" - Wylie Gustafson, Shoes
00:11:55 GK talks with Wylie
00:12:56 "Cattle Call" - Wylie Gustafson
00:17:12 Cougar Script
00:22:49 "Joyride" - Pat Donohue and the Shoes
00:25:21 GK talks about the scenery
00:25:45 "Ridin' Down the Canyon" - Stephanie Davis, GK, and the Shoes
00:28:25 Powdermilk Biscuit Theme Break - Shoes
Segment 2
00:30:00 GK intros next song
00:30:40 "Leaves that are Green" - GK, Pat, Shoes
00:33:57 Ella Script
00:41:02 Satan Script
00:47:10 "Fields of Diamonds" - Stephanie, GK, Shoes
00:50:45 Guy Noir Script
01:00:56 INTERMISSION - Right or Wrong - Shoes
Segment 3
01:05:30 GK Welcomes Back, Greetings
01:09:38 GK talks with Stephanie Davis
01:10:05 "Goodnight Little Cowpup" - Stephanie Davis, GK, Shoes
01:13:07 "Palouse Sunset" - Shoes
01:19:39 GK talks with Charlie Sutton
01:21:09 "Old Friend Levi" - Charlie Sutton
01:25:18 "Cattail Mornings" - Charlie Sutton, Richard Kriehn, Eugene Jablonski
Segment 4
01:28:25 The News From Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
01:42:49 GK talks with Wylie Gustafson
01:43:38 "Ol' Montan" - Wylie Gustafson, Shoes
01:47:18 Ketchip Script
01:50:25 "Montana Cowgirl" - Stephanie Davis, GK, Shoes
01:52:55 Supper Script
01:55:10 Credits and Closer - "Where I Belong" - Stephanie Davis, GK, Shoes