Segment 1
00:00:00 Logo
00:00:13 "Tishomingo Blues" - GK, Sally Dworsky and Guy's All-Star Shoe band
00:04:40 "Goin' to California" - Pat Donahue and the Shoes
00:08:15 GK intros Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver
00:08:31 "Blue Train" - Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver
00:12:33 GK intros and talks to Shelby Lynne
00:13:00 "Lonesome" - Shelby Lynne
00:16:33 "All Alone" - GK and Meryl Streep
00:19:43 Coffee Script
00:22:16 Floss Script
Segment 2
00:24:30 GK intros Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver
00:25:18 "Hard Game of Love" - Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver
00:29:20 Powdermilk Biscuit Theme Break - GK and the Shoes
00:30:50 Radio Script
00:49:28 "Ten Rocks" - Shelby Lynne and Shoes
00:52:30 "Baby" - Shelby Lynne and Shoes
00:57:38 Intermission
Segment 3
01:01:58 GK Welcomes back to 2nd half, Greetings
01:04:15 "Silver Haired Daddy" - GK, John C. Reilly, Doyle Lawson
01:06:10 Xanax Script
01:06:44 GK talks with Doyle Lawson
01:07:03 "Since Jesus Came Into" - Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver
01:08:43 Bach Script
01:15:55 "The Picture" - Sally Dworsky and Rich Dworsky
01:19:32 Catchup Script
01:23:12 GK talks about the movie
01:24:25 "Goodbye to My Mama (Goodbye to My Uncles)" - Meryl Streep, Sally Dworsky, Rich Dworsky, GK
Segment 4
01:28:06 The News from Lake Wobegon
Segment 5
01:45:55 "One with the Sun" - Shelby Lynne
01:49:02 Farewell Script
01:54:34 Credits
01:56:20 "Red River Valley" - GK, Meryl Streep, Shelby Lynne, Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver
01:58:15 "Big Mon" - Shoes, Doyle Lawson, Quicksilver