Tim Russell: How come it's so dark in here?
Sue Scott: I thought it'd be nice to eat by candlelight.
TR: I thought there was a power outage or something.
SS: You don't like candles?
TR: Can't see what I'm eating.
SS: I thought it'd be nice.
TR: Whatever you want.
SS: You don't think it's romantic?
TR: Romantic to not know what I'm eating?
SS: I'll turn the lights on if you want.
TR: Whatever you want. I'll just get used to it.
SS: Here. (OFF) I'm turning the lights on. There. How's that?
TR: What is this?
SS: It's beef remoulade.
TR: What in the world is that? What are these? Mushrooms?
SS: Truffles. You like it?
TR: It's okay.
SS (DEER): Two more days and deer hunting season is over. Those guys in the orange clothes will go home and stop trying to kill us.
TR (DEER): Keep your voice down.
SS (DEER): Keep your head down-- you're the one with the antlers.
TR (DEER): See anything?
SS (DEER): No. Haven't seen anybody since those idiots with the flashlights a week ago.
TR (DEER): I thought I smelled beer. (SNIFFS)
SS (DEER): That's urine, dear.
TR (DEER): That's not deer urine.
SS (DEER): I said, that's urine, dear.
TR (DEER): When did you start calling me Dear?
SS (DEER): Well, it is mating season.
TR (DEER): Hey, what are you doing?
SS (DEER): Come on. Let's you and me make a Bambi. Nobody's looking.
TR (DEER): We've got guys with telescopic sights out trying to kill us and you're thinking about sex?
SS (DEER): Hey, you only go around once. (SINGS) When I'm calling you-u-u-u-u-u-u
TR (DEER): You know that drives me wild---
SS (DEER): (SINGS); Won't you answer true-u-u-u-u-u-u.......(GUNSHOT) Bucky? Bucky?
TR (DEER): I'm okay. You okay?
SS (DEER): I'm okay.
TR (DEER): It was a shotgun. They're hunting pheasants. --Hey, what are you doing-- cut that out--
SS (DEER): Doing what?
TR (DEER): You know what.
SS (DEER): You mean this?
TR (DEER): Cut that out.
SS (DEER): You don't like me to touch you there?
TR (DEER): You're making me crazy.
SS (DEER): We've been lying here in this tall grass for a week. Let's get up. Let's go.
TR (DEER): We can't.
SS (DEER): Let's go. I haven't run for three days. I'm going to get a thrombosis.
TR (DEER): Wait.
SS (DEER): I'm just going to go for a little jog.
TR (DEER): It's not safe--
SS (DEER): There's nobody around. I'll be back in a minute.
TR (DEER): Don't go. Please.
TR (DEER): Doris? Doris--