GK: You're at a restaurant and having a wonderful time with friends from work and then you notice that the tables around you are empty ----- those people asked to be reseated on the other side of the room -----
SS: What's wrong?
GK: Did you ever think it could be your laugh?
SS: My laugh???? Me???? (SHRIEKING LAUGHTER)
GK: Unattractive laughter may be setting you apart from others and preventing you from enjoying the rich intimate friendships that you crave.
GK: High-decibel laughter, laughter that seems craven or supercilious (NASAL LAUGHTER), or sounds like barnyard animals. (QUACKING LAUGH) ---- (WHINNY) may be a barrier to more fulfilling relationships-----if so ----- you need L.A., Laughers Anonymous----- meeting near you in a restaurant. (SS SHRIEK) There they are, over in the corner. (HARD LAUGHTER) Pull up a chair. They'll be glad to see you.