Segment 1
00:00:00 Logo (MPR)
00:00:12 Tishomingo Blues
00:02:21 GK opens, talks about joke show
00:03:32 Control freak knock knock joke
Segment 2
00:04:00 Joke segment 1, GK announces email joke submission
00:13:43 GK talks to Vince Giordano
00:14:23 "Hyena Stomp" - Vince Giordano and Shoe Band
00:16:55 GK and Paula Poundstone tell jokes
00:26:34 Powdermilk Biscuit Break
00:28:55 GK talks about Pat's national steel guitar
00:29:24 "Downtown Breakdown" - Pat Donohue and Shoe Band
00:31:56 GK reads jokes from the email submissions
Segment 3
00:32:50 Joke Segment 2
Segment 4
00:38:47 Catchup script
00:41:36 GK reads more jokes from email submissions
00:43:33 "Friendship" - GK and Paula Poundstone
00:46:17 Paula Poundstone stand-up segment
00:57:18 "Friendship reprise" - GK and Paula Poundstone
00:57:57 Intermission - "It's A Sin to Tell A Lie"
01:01:55 GK reads more email submission jokes
01:03:33 "While We're Young" - GK and band
Segment 5
01:05:12 News From Lake Wobegon
01:20:08 "Long Time No See" - Pat Donohue and band
01:22:49 GK reads more jokes from email submissions
01:24:00 Greetings
Segment 6
01:27:50 Joke Segment 3
Segment 7
01:38:06 Guy Noir script
01:50:48 Last minute jokes
01:52:35 GK tells Vince an Ole and Lena joke
01:53:30 Credits, another Ole and Lena joke
01:56:53 "Goodnight Ladies"/ "Hyena Stomp" closer