GK: Friends count on friends to tell them the truth, but some truths are easier to tell than others ---- you can tell them----
SS: You need to do something about your hair.
GK: You can tell them----
SS: That torn jeans look was over a long time ago.
GK: You can even tell them----
SS: You need a good mouthwash.
GK: But the one thing you can't tell them is----
SS: You have a really irritating laugh. (STING)
GK: And yet it's true. There are wonderful intelligent people who are fun to be with until they start having a lot of fun and they laugh out loud their embarrasing nasal laugh (NASAL SNORTS), their whinny (TK LAUGH), the slow-motion laugh (TR DEEP SLOW HA-HAS), the fingernails on the blackboard laugh (SS SHRIEKS) ---- bad laughs that make other people edge away from you ---- (WHEEZING LAUGH)
SS: I don't know why I haven't had a date in the past ten years----- what's wrong? (GASPING LAUGH)
GK: Time to call DeLuxe Psychology and Dr. Charles (Chuckles) Nelson, the only psychologist to specialize in laughter.
TR (DEEP, AVUNCULAR): So many folks suffer from problem laughter that repels other people just when you're in the midst of having a good time. Sort of ironic, isn't it. (HE CHUCKLES) I work with people with irritating laughter by using simple techniques of aversion therapy such as electroshock. (CHUCKLES) We attach the electrodes to their wrists and ankles and when they laugh a bad laugh, I push the button and they jump right up into the air. (HE CHUCKLES) Eventually they develop a warm, melodious, sociable laugh. Either that or they start bedwetting again. (CHUCKLES)
GK: If people edge away when you laugh -----(TR: STUFFY SMUG LAUGH)---- if you have a problem with giggling (SS: GIGGLE) or guffawing (TK GUFFAW) or you're a shrieker (SS SHRIEKS), there's help for you at DeLuxe Psychology. Just ask for Chuckles.
TR: And if you wet the bed, we've got a therapy for that, too. (HE CHUCKLES)
GK: There's a better way--..at DeLuxe Psychology.