(GK & PD): Oh Rainy Day Woman
Never seem to see you in the good times when the sun shines
You have been a friend of mine, Rainy Day Woman.)
SS: Why are you sitting here listening to that-----? .
GK: Just a CD.
SS: I can see it's a CD---- what's wrong?
GK: Nothing.
SS: Something is.
GK: I'm fine.
SS: You never sit and listen to country music when you're fine ---- what are you depressed about? Are you depressed because we're going to Arkansas to stay with my relatives?
GK: No, they're perfectly nice people.
SS: I know you're rather stay in a hotel, but they'd be hurt if we did that, you know that---- right? They'd be devastated. It would be such an insult to their hospitality. To their self-esteem. It would be a slap in the face, we'd be saying, "your fried potatoes aren't good enough for us and your fried chicken and your fried corn on the cob and your deep-fried salad" ----- it'd be like stabbing them with a fork -----
GK: I know that. It's okay.
SS: They're a little different, that's all. Aunt Ethelyn that time we stayed with her ---- she heard that you liked granola and so she bought some for you and it was just the most natural thing in the world for her to put the granola in a frying pan with a little butter and some corn meal and fry it up nice for you ---- she offered it to you as a gift from the heart ---- you know that.
GK: I know that. It's fine.
SS: Then what's wrong?
(GK & PD): Oh Rainy Day Woman
Never seem to see you in the good times when the sun shines
You have been a friend of mine, Rainy Day Woman.)
SS: I'm just asking you: don't bring up the subject of capital punishment while we're there, okay? Could you do that for me?
GK: I didn't bring it up that time. Your cousin Steve did.
SS: I left you alone with them for five minutes and when I come back you're on your feet with a platter of fried string beans in your hands and you're saying you don't think anybody should be in favor of capital punishment unless they're willing to plunge the hypodermic into the prisoner's chest themselves. Aunt Bea almost had an episode.
GK: I was not the one who brought up the subject of capital punishment.
SS: They are who they are. What can I say?
GK: They're fine.
SS: When they bring out their guns for you to admire, it wouldn't kill you to admire their guns. You don't need to talk about the level of violence in our culture.
GK: I don't.
SS: You and I have a long-standing policy of silent tolerance of each other's relatives and it's worked well for us and after the week we spent with your silent relatives in Norway six years ago, you owe me big time.
(GK & PD): Oh Rainy Day Woman
Never seem to see you in the good times when the sun shines
You have been a friend of mine, Rainy Day Woman.)
TR (JOSH): Dad?
GK: Yes, Josh? How's the homework coming?
TR (JOSH): It's done.
GK: All done?
TR (JOSH): Yeah. I'm going over to Adam's house.
SS: You're not going to stay out late?
TR (JOSH): No, I'll be home by midnight.
SS: You driving somewhere?
TR (JOSH): Yeah. We're going to take his dad's Hummer and go to Minneapolis.
SS: Is it all right with his dad?
TR (JOSH): Oh yeah. He's cool. ----- Say, is two doses of Percocet, like, really strong?
GK: Yeah, I think so.
SS: Why do you ask?
TR (JOSH): It's not for me, it's for a friend. Okay?-um, if the expiration date is like, a year ago, does that mean anything?
GK: Yeah, I'd say so.
SS: Honey----- what's going on----
TR(JOSH): Listen. I gotta jump. Thanks. (DOOR CLOSE)
SS: Oh boy.
GK: Just try not to think about it.
SS: How can I not think about it? ---- Does he seem all right to you?
GK: Compared to what? What's the base line?
SS: I don't know how parents survive. I honest to God do not know----- are you listening to me? would you mind turning that off?
(GK & PD): Oh Rainy Day Woman
Never seem to see you in the good times when the sun shines
You have been a friend of mine, Rainy Day Woman.)
SS: Maybe we should go to a movie. A romantic comedy. The kind where two attractive people meet by chance at this terribly embarrassing moment but darn it they're able to laugh at themselves and so they fall in love and then there's a huge misunderstanding and she goes running down the stairs and he comes home an hour later and she's gone and he has to go find her and he does, she's gone back to the place where they first met, and she's standing there in the moonlight with tears running down her cheeks and she looks up and says something funny---- That sort of movie.
GK: Fine.
SS: Do something to get you out of the doldrums.
GK: I'm not in the doldrums.
SS: You're like a small dark cloud. The first time I met you, you had a doily on your head and two straws up your nostrils and you were singing "Obladi Oblada" and now look at you----
GK: Speaking of which---
SS: What's that on TV?
GK: It's the Beatles----some old documentary----
SS: Turn the sound up----
TR (ED SULLIVAN): Now John we couldn't be more thrilled to have you and the lads on board for our show today here in New York----
TR (JOHN LENNON): Well, Ed, the lads and I couldn't be more thrilled to be had.
TR (ED SULLIVAN): Now you are, I believe, not related to the Lenin who was a known member of the Communist party in Soviet Russia----
TR (JOHN LENNON): No----- Me mum and dad were working class but that's as far as it goes.
TR (ED SULLIVAN): Well, people here in our theater in New York City and all across the country for that matter are tuned in to see you and it's our great privilege to present you for the first time in America here on The Ed Sullivan show.
TR (JOHN LENNON): Well, me and Paul and George and Ringo are happy to be here, that's for sure, and now we'd like to do another song for you. (CLICK)
SS: What'd you turn it off for?
GK: Too painful.
SS: Hard to believe that was forty years ago.
GK: Yes.
SS: I was only a small child.
GK: I was in college. .
SS: I was so little, I barely remember.
GK: Your relatives in Arkansas probably weren't big Beatles fans.
SS: No, they're church people. They went more for the Blackwood Brothers and the Jordanaires.
GK: When we're there I suppose your Aunt Carolyn is going to sit me down and talk to me about how much Jesus loves me, isn't she.
SS: Well, he does, you know.
GK: I know he does. And she's going to tell me how Jesus' love is expressed through the sacred institution of marriage. And how she prays for us every day. And that whatever problems led to us only having one child, she prays that the Lord will guide us through.
SS: Well, it's only for a week.
GK: And then she'll go fry up some okra. Pour me a Coca-cola. Bring me a New Testament to read.
SS: I'm grateful to you for making the effort. Believe me. Anytime you want to go back to Norway and have herring for breakfast and sit and listen to people chew their food, I'll be there.
(GK & PD): Oh Rainy Day Woman
Never seem to see you in the good times when the sun shines
You have been a friend of mine, Rainy Day Woman.)