(GK: Garrison Keillor; SS: Sue Scott; TR: Tim Russell; FN:Fred Newman)
GK: ...after this message. (PIANO, BRAHMS THEME) All of us suffer from occasional outbursts of gas, a natural by-product of the digestive process. Now, thanks to a new pharmaceutical, you need never be embarrassed again. It's called Paxililac. It turns embarrassing gas expulsions into----(GLISS)
SS: I suddenly smell flowers.
TR: Me too.
SS: Where'd that come from?
GK: It came from chemistry. Paxililac. You can't eliminate gas but thanks to a simple pharmaceutical, you can eliminate the embarrassment ---- (GLISS)
FN: Somebody open a window?
SS: Smells like lilacs.
FN: In February?
SS: Bob?
TR: What?
GK: Now you can go to parties and not have to stand near an open door.
SS: Hey, stand over here where we can all get a whiff atcha!
GK: (GLISS)Thanks to Paxililac. Also makers of Rhododentrol and Lily of the Valium.
© Garrison Keillor 2003