(GK: Garrison Keillor; SS: Sue Scott; TR: Tim Russell; FN: Fred Newman)
GK: ----brought to you by Bertha's Kitty Boutique, for persons who care about cats.
SS: I love my cats. They're independent, they don't listen, they don't come when I call, they like to stay out all night and they'll never tell where they were, they come home and expect to be fed, then they want to be left alone and sleep. Things that I can't stand about my husband, I love about cats. And that's why I serve them Katzenjammer Beer, the beer made from fermented tuna, especially for cats. And unwanted houseguests. (MEOW, CAT BELCH)
GK: from Bertha's Kitty Boutique.
© Garrison Keillor 2003