(GK: Garrison Keillor; SS: Sue Scott; TR: Tim Russell; TK: Tom Keith)

GK: We interrupt our broadcast right now for this live report from the national weather service. (KLAXON WARNING)

SS: This is a weather service bulletin: civilians on the ground in Hennepin County have reported what appears to be an area of rainfall approximately 4 miles north of the airport, --- that is an unofficial report --- and clouds in the sky shaped like large dark rabbits. As of yet there are no confirmed reports of thunder, but we are watching the situation closely---- Brent, you're there on the scene--

TR: I am indeed. Here, live, at Lake of the Isles in Minneapolis and I can see windshield wipers in use, people holding umbrellas, some people taking shelter under awnings, Kathy.

SS: So you can confirm that rain showers are moving through Minneapolis?

TR: I can. I don't have exact amounts as yet, and exactly how much it might rain in the next hour or so remains to be seen, but I can see the rainfall from here ---- I'm standing under what appears to be an oak tree, or perhaps an elm ---- I'll try to get a clarification on that later ---- and standing with me is Sergeant Red Olson of the Minneapolis Police Department ----- Sergeant Olson, what's your advice to people who are in the path of this rainfall?

TK: I would strongly suggest that people who are indoors remain indoors and people who are outdoors make their way to an indoor location

SS: Sergeant Olsen, Thank you. Thank you, Brent, and we now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.

© Garrison Keillor 2002