(GK: Garrison Keillor; TK: Tom Keith; SS: Sue Scott: TR: Tim Russell)

The first six shows of our season are under our belts, so to speak, and water over the dam, and we'd like those of you at home to fill out an audio questionnaire and let us know how we're doing so far. Please indicate a Yes by pressing ONE or by saying (WHEEEE). Indicate a NO by pressing TWO or saying (RASPBERRY).

1. Do you feel that the use of chickens on the show (CHICKEN FLURRY) has been excessive?
2. Do you resent our representations of Scandinavian people (TR SWEDE)?
3. Do you feel that our representations of Italians promotes ethnic stereotypes (TR ITALIAN)?
4. Would you like to hear more small children on our show? (SS CHILD: Thank you very much and I would now like to sing 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'?)
5. Do you come to the end of the show wishing that you had heard more helicopters (CHOPPER)?
6. Do you resent our treatment of Mr. Rogers (TR: I like you just the way you are. Oh my, yes.)? How about our treatment of Julia Child? (TR: Oh my goodness, I've burnt the croutons! Mercy!)
7. In the Adventures of Guy Noir, Private Eye, do you feel that the character of the bimbo is demeaning to women? (SS: Hi. HEART POUNDING. SS: Is that a gun or are those pleated pants you're wearing?)
8. Do you feel there should be more said about cats? (MEOW)
9. Do you feel that the less said about cats, the better? (BARK)
10. Do you often find yourself so irked by the show that you reach over to your radio and you s---------(LONG PAUSE)
----- Paul, Minnesota 55101. And thank you for your time and patience.

© Garrison Keillor 2001