(GK: Garrison Keillor; TK: Tom Keith; SS: Sue Scott: TR: Tim Russell)

.....coming up later on many of these stations, Stacy Harper, Veterinary Orthodontist----


SS: There. See that, Stan? On that birch tree?

TR: Teeth marks.

SS: A cougar. See how the incisors are uneven? Very bad underbite. Must be driving that poor cat nuts. I've got to get to him.

TR: But it's late, Stacy. The sun will be going down soon.

SS: This can't wait, Stan.

TR: But you keep pushing yourself. Going, going, going. A person only has so much strength. And what about our marriage?

SS: You knew when you married me how I feel about the plight of animals out in the wilds. Animals covered with fleas and ticks, no medical care, no retirement benefits, never get to just kick back and take it easy, life is a constant terrifying struggle, trying to find food, knowing that at any moment they could be killed and ripped to pieces, but at least I can provide them with some good dental care.

TR: It could take hours to locate that cougar!

SS: Yes, but think what braces will mean to him? In the cougar world, teeth are terribly important.

TR: But we'll have to keep coming back and doing the adjustments. It'll take months.

SS: I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do what I can to help. (CHOPPER) Here comes the backup unit now. Fire the smoke rocket. (GUN. CHOPPER COMES CLOSER) We've got to find that cougar.

GK: Stacy Harper. Veterinary Orthodontist, coming up later on these stations.

© Garrison Keillor 2001