(GK: Garrison Keillor; TK: Tom Keith: TR: Tim Russell; SS: Sue Scott)
.......brought to you by the American Duct Tape Council. And here with a word about duct tape is Merle Maxwell.
TR: Wyoming is a big state with a small population --- about 500,000 plus Dick Cheney ---- which is due to the fact that so few people qualify for residency. You live in Wyoming, you've got to have your own opinion on things, and not that many people do. And you have to be able to stand up to the high winds that have blown so many of our people south to Fort Collins and Denver. Most of them were Democrats and too lightweight for Wyoming anyway, but now that we're all thinking the right thing, we don't want to lose any more. And that's where duct tape comes in handy. When the wind picks up, a few pieces of duct tape can anchor your pickup and keep you from becoming a citizen of Nebraska or Colorado. Put some two-sided duct tape on your shoes and you'll be able to get places.
GK: Duct tape .....it's the only thing that really works sometimes. A message from the American Duct Tape Council. (SFX).
© Garrison Keillor 2001, from an idea by Fran Cadez and Jim Verley