(GK: Garrison Keillor, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, TR: Tim Russell)

GK: Men, has this ever happened to you? You come home from work -

TR: Hi, what's for supper?

SS: How would I know? Is this a restaurant? Is there a sign on my head that says "chef"?

TR: (PAUSE, BEAT) Is something wrong?

SS: I'm going out for dinner with some friends of mine, Sidney.

TR: Anybody I know?

SS: Frankly, I doubt it. (SOUR CHORD) They're people who enjoy life, who make me feel alive - more alive than I've felt in years.

TR: (REVERB, INNER VOICE) What's wrong with me that the woman I love no longer enjoys my company?

GK: The problem could be your brain, Fred.

TR: My brain? But I went to college! I graduated with a 3.6 grade point average in chemical engineering! (CHORD)

GK: College only trained you for a career, Fred. It taught you how to keep an intelligent expression on your face even though you had no idea what people were talking about. College can't make you attractive to women.

TR: What do women find attractive?

GK: Women are fascinated by a certain raw intensity (BASS STRING WITH BUZZ) that either a man has it -

SS: He's so - intense! (BASS STRING WITH BUZZ)

GK: Or you don't have it -

SS: Oh. Hi. When did you come in? (OFF-KEY BASS NOTE)

TR: How can I have that - that - you know -

GK: How can you have that raw intensity? (BASS STRING WITH BUZZ) Some people get it from spending a year in Tuscany or taking up transcendental meditation, but you, Fred, you're one who may need brain surgery. From a state-licensed brain surgeon.

TR: Isn't that awfully expensive?

GK: It used to be, but at MinneMed, we've brought costs down. MinneMed is the largest health services provider in the Midwest, and during our spring surgery sale, brain implants are only $139.95.

TR: Wow.

GK: Room and tax not included.

TR: Will my personality change as a result of my surgery?

GK: Of course. Your brain will be supplemented with stem cells grown from an appendix removed from the Academy Award-winning Italian actor Roberto Benigni.

TR: Does that mean I'll be an actor?

GK: No, you'll be able to continue in your present position. But you'll gain an intensity that women admire and that isn't found in the DNA of Minnesotans.

TR: The surgeons who perform the operation - are they -

GK: Are they trained? Absolutely. Each of them has a degree and is completely certified. (MUSIC)

TK: (CLINK OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, BIG SNEEZE) Sorry. Didn't get any on you, did I?

SS: No -

TK: Boy, the human brain is sure bigger than a cat's or a dog's, isn't it.

SS: That's for sure. You gonna drill there?

TK: Isn't that the right side?

SS: No, I think it's over here.

TK: Oh. You're right. The diagram was upside down. (POWER DRILL START AND STOP)

SS: You done already?

TK: No. I gotta get part of the whatchamacallit too.

SS: The what? The cerebellum?


SS: Great. - And over there too. - Hey, wait! No! No! Stop!

TK: (DRILLING STOPS) What's the matter?

SS: Isn't that the part of the nerve cortex that controls the - oh well, never mind. (MUSIC)

GK: The very next night -


SS: Oh Fred - you're like a different person -

TR: (ITALIAN) I'm sorry - I'm so excited - this is the most wonderful night of my life - thank you! thank you! thank you!

SS: Oh, Darling -

TR: (ITALIAN) I love you, my darling! Light of my life! (ITALIAN HIGH PITCH)


SS: Oh Fred!

GK: Call MinneMed. Price is good only through the end of April. Not valid if accompanied by attorney.

(c) 1999 by Garrison Keillor