GK:.....brought to you by Lars Malmo's Multicultural Lefse ---- the potato pancake of diversity ---- isn't that right, Lars? (TK SWEDISH GIBBERISH) Minnesota is not just lakes and cornfields and Holsteins like a lot of people think ----- (TR: No, no, no......SWEDISH GIBBERISH) That is a stereotype that doesn't reflect reality. (SWEDISH GIBBERISH) We have excellent theater and restaurants and research and high-tech industries (SWEDISH GIBBERISH) and cross-dressers and crack cocaine and women who marry their daughters' boyfriends (SWEDISH) we are fully multicultural and that's why we now have forty-seven varieties of lefse potato pancakes.....

TR: We got em with jalopenos, we got em with chocolate sprinkles, we got lefse pesto, we got em with tofu, all kinds of lefse

Thank you, Lars. Lars Malmo's Multicultural Lefse. (TR SWEDISH EXCLAMATION....)

© 1997 by Garrison Keillor