GK:....we'll be right back after this message from the National Rifle Association.

CF: As a mother, I try to instill in my children a sense of self-worth: the idea that --- you are a person, you have a soul, you matter, what you do matters, so stop doing it, you're driving me nuts. The natural enemy of any parent is advertising, which preys on children and persuades them that what really counts is that you have things. And you have to have this year's things. And you have to have the whole set. (TR TV VOICE) Television is full of this garbage, it goes on and on and on, it's full of violence and ugliness and it teaches greed, and that's why I support the right to bear arms. (GUNSHOT, GLASS BREAKAGE). Sometimes brute force is the only solution. (SHE BLOWS SMOKE FROM BARREL)

GK: The National Rifle Association; the right to bear arms not about short-sleeved shirts --- it's about you.

©1996 by Garrison Keillor