September 15, 2007 broadcast with The Derailers, Jerry Douglas, Robin & Linda Williams, and Prudence Johnson
hosted by Garrison Keillor
September 15, 2007
From The Fitzgerald Theater | St. Paul, MN
0:00 | 01:59:02
This week on A Prairie Home Companion, it's our season kick-off event at the Fitzgerald Theater, featuring Austin's hangdogs of honky tonk The Derailers, Nashville's hardest working dobro player Jerry Douglas, and the Virginia Vagabonds Robin and Linda Williams. Also with us, Prudence Johnson, Rich Dworsky and The Guy's-All Star Shoe Band, and the Royal Academy of Radio Acting; Tim Russell, Sue Scott, and Tom Keith.
Following the live broadcast, Mr. K. hosts our 7th Annual Meatloaf Supper & Street Dance (rain or shine!) on Exchange Street in front of the theater. We'll be serving up $5 suppers, plenty of dance tunes and even some cash prizes. Contests this year include:
- The Loudest Child (Stella!)
- Beautiful Baby
- Loon Calling
- Bob Dylan Impersonations
- Mr. Wonderful
- and Dance Contest -- with The Derailers!